The Gift of Discipleship
Written by Zach Dillon, Radiant Students Pastor at our Richland Campus
As parents, we want the very best for our kids.
This past week my son celebrated his third birthday. My evening was spent at Chick-Fil-A, letting him eat my nuggets after he finished his own, followed by an all-expense paid vacation (in his mind) to Build-A-Bear. Needless to say, he had a blast and finished the evening by watching Encanto for the 25th time (I'm literally going insane to that stupid soundtrack) and a few rounds of jump on dad's head from the couch. It's crazy the things you do for your kids.
I'm sure other parents would agree with me when I say that there's not a lot you wouldn't do to give your kids the best. The best friendships, the best developmental experiences, and the best formative memories.
As someone who has worked with teenagers for the past decade, I want to give you a vision for possibly the best gift you can give your child this upcoming year - the gift of discipleship.
Recent studies show that almost 7 out of every 10 young people growing up in the church are walking away from their Christian Faith the year they graduate high school.
I think all of us have felt the cultural shift this past decade as we step into an increasingly post-Christian world. Studies have also shown that the young people who are invested in inter-generational discipleship relationships are bucking these sobering statistics and holding fast to their Faith.
As a Youth Pastor, my passion for this generation is to provide more than fun, exciting, or even friendship-building experiences… but rather partner with parents to shape and form resilient disciples who will shine as lights in a dark and confused generation. All the fun times, exciting trips, and meaningful friendships we make along the way are just tools to reach the destination of discipleship in teenagers.
One of the ways we accomplish this mission best is in our Monday Night Student Leadership Program here at Radiant Church.
Almost every Monday night, 5th-12th grade students from all over the Kalamazoo region converge at the Radiant City Center for a time of prayer, leadership teaching, and intentional discipleship. Students learn how to encounter the presence of God in worship, intercede for their lost friends, and are discipled by an assigned leader for the 10-week session. Every semester, we see countless testimonies of lives changed by the power of the Gospel and students equipped to live unashamed for Jesus in their families and schools.
Let's be real parents…. You know how to get your kid picked for that travel sports team. Do you spend the same intentionality and interest in placing them in discipleship environments?
While most parents define the best for their kids as getting them into the best extra-curricular activities or buying them the newest game system, this new year, I challenge you to invest in your kid's Faith and give them the gift of discipleship.