3 Minute Church: Strength in Weakness
This blog unpacks Pastor Lee’s sermon from August 18, 2024: Strength in Weakness
Every person who God has used greatly has been wounded deeply.
Diving into 2 Corinthians 11-12, Paul addresses some of the challenges he was facing: beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, riddled with anxiety, and facing danger daily.
He even pleaded with the Lord to remove this “thorn” of pain that he was experiencing from his side.
But the Lord said, “My grace is sufficient enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
His grace is sufficient for us.
His power is made perfect in times of weakness.
Paul’s response is one in which we can all learn from:
"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness" (2 Corinthians 11:30).
Paul looks at the response of the Lord and says, try me. I will boast of all of the things I have endured if that means my trials have brought me closer to you. I will boast freely and confidently.
When was the last time you boasted about your hardships?
When we think about how others measure success, we choose to boast about worldly wins instead of Kingdom suffering: awards, money, sports cars, influence, etc.
When the Lord measures success, He isn’t looking for worldly strengths and successes but vulnerability and surrender.
There is a heavenly strength, however, that we gain when we acknowledge our weaknesses.
Believe it or not, every person who God has used greatly has been wounded deeply.
Just like Paul.
Like you, your sister, brother, mom, dad, or friend.
Pain is a part of the human condition—an emotion the Lord intentionally created.
When we experience these low points in life, they allow for some of the most intimate relations with God.
The most beautiful part about it? Grace is free, and it is accessible to everyone.
Even though Paul asked three times for the thorn to be removed, he ultimately accepted God's grace as sufficient. Asking for grace requires inviting God into our circumstances and acknowledging our need for His strength.
When we come to terms with our limitations and ask for God's grace, we create space for His power to work in and through us:
When we are weak, He is strong.
When we feel disqualified, He makes us qualified.
When we feel unworthy, He says you are a vessel for my Kingdom.
Every moment of heartache, trepidation, and pain that we experience is in preparation for the moment He is ready to use us.
He makes beauty for ashes.
Do not let shame make you feel disqualified. He uses your broken and weak parts to make you qualified. When we find ourselves in a place of weakness and acknowledge it, if we humble ourselves, it opens the door for His power to manifest in ways not yet experienced.
What the Enemy wants to turn our weakness to shame, Jesus turns into testimony.
Tap to watch Pastor Lee's sermon now on YouTube.