3 Minute Church: God’s Vision for a Spirit and Truth Church (Part Two)
This blog unpacks Pastor Lee Cummings’ Sermon from September 29, 2024
Jesus is perfecting His Church and maturing us into His design.
What is the essence of a Bride that is pleasing to the Lord? Worshipping in Spirit and Truth.
In a world where religious traditions often overshadow genuine faith, there's a pressing need to rediscover what it truly means to be a "Spirit and Truth" Church.
At its core, a Spirit and Truth Church aligns itself with God's preferences rather than human desires.
It's not about creating environments that cater to our comfort or ambitions but rather about fostering a space where God is enthroned and well-pleased.
What does this look like?
1. Preaching the Gospel like Eternity Depends on it
The Church's primary responsibility is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. This isn't just a casual sharing of information but a passionate declaration of the gospel's transformative power.
The gospel message is clear: God has done for us in Jesus Christ what we could never do for ourselves. This truth offers hope to a lost and broken world, reminding us that Jesus saves without exception. It's a message that must be protected and proclaimed with unwavering commitment.
The Truth says, “We’re all broken.”
The Spirit says, “He saves us from our brokenness.”
2. Worshiping God from the Inside Out
True worship isn't about outward appearances or going through the motions. It's about engaging our entire being—spirit, soul, and body—in adoration of God. God's looking for people who are heart and soul when it comes to worshipers. You are not truly worshiping unless all three parts of you are engaged.
Jesus said the Father seeks those who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth. This kind of worship starts in the heart with thanksgiving and praise, then flows outward in physical expression.
The Psalms repeatedly encourage us to express our worship physically: lifting hands, clapping, and shouting joyfully. While this may feel uncomfortable for some, it's important to remember that worship isn't about our comfort but blessing God.
We become like what we worship: the Image of God.
3. Praying to Shake Hell, Move Heaven, and Stoke Revival
Prayer is the atomic reactor of the Church. When believers come together in desperate, unified prayer, extraordinary things happen. When the Church gathers in prayer, a powerful movement happens. The Holy Spirit enters the room, and the Earth shakes.
This kind of prayer has ripple effects that extend far beyond the church walls, impacting cities, territories, and even generations. It's not about methodology or technology; it's about men and women who are hungry for God and willing to cry out to Him. As E.M. Bounds wisely noted, "The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods but through men (and women) of prayer."
When all else fails, prayer penetrates.
4. Pursuing the Fullness of the Holy Spirit's Presence and Power
A Spirit and Truth Church recognizes that trying to live a Christian life without the power of the Holy Spirit is a recipe for defeat. Jesus instructed His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit's empowerment before beginning their mission. This baptism in the Holy Spirit is distinct from salvation and essential for effectively living out our faith.
William Booth prophetically warned of the danger of "religion without the Holy Ghost." We must be careful not to rely solely on our own strength, intellect, or abilities. Instead, we need to lean into the wisdom, knowledge, and power that flows through the Holy Spirit.
The greatest advantage is God's Spirit, God's power, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit flowing through you and working through you. It's the armor of God.
5. Equipping Every Member to be a Minister
Finally, a Spirit and Truth Church understands that every believer is equipped to be a minister. Every member of the body of Christ has a unique role, a gift to offer, and a responsibility to fulfill.
The Apostle Paul often used the human body analogy to describe the Church. Just as each part of the body is essential for proper functioning, so is each member of the Church vital for its health and effectiveness. We find meaning when we are placed into communities, local churches, and the family of Christ to live out these working parts together.
We are not just saved to go to Heaven. We are saved to bring Heaven to the Earth and to demonstrate the fullness of the Kingdom of God.
Let us be a people who worship in Spirit and Truth.
Who preach the gospel with urgency…
Who pray with power…
Who walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit…
Who recognize the ministry potential in every believer.
When we gather, we create an environment where God's kingdom can come, and His will be done on Earth as in Heaven.
Tap to watch Pastor Lee Cummings' full sermon on Youtube.
Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on this sermon:
Day 1: Worshiping in Spirit and Truth
Reading: John 4:19-26
Devotional: Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman reveals a profound truth about worship. God seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth—not bound by location or ritual, but with sincere hearts and minds aligned with His Word. Today, reflect on your own worship. Is it merely an outward act, or does it engage your whole being? Ask God to help you worship Him more fully, from the inside out. Consider how you can bring your mind, emotions, and actions into alignment with your spiritual devotion to God.
Day 2: The Power of the Gospel
Reading: Romans 1:16-17
Devotional: Paul boldly proclaims that he is not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation. This good news has the ability to transform lives, regardless of background or past mistakes. Today, meditate on the power of the gospel in your own life. How has it changed you? Are there areas where you still need to fully embrace its transformative power? Pray for opportunities to share this powerful message with others, remembering that it is God's chosen method for bringing salvation to the world.
Day 3: Filled with the Holy Spirit
Reading: Acts 1:4-8, Acts 2:1-4
Devotional: Jesus instructed His disciples to wait for the promised Holy Spirit, knowing they needed divine power to be effective witnesses. This empowerment wasn't just for the early Church—it's for all believers. Today, consider your own reliance on the Holy Spirit. Are you trying to live the Christian life in your own strength, or are you continually seeking the Spirit's power and guidance? Ask God to fill you afresh with His Spirit, empowering you for the tasks He's called you to do.
Day 4: Every Believer a Minister
Reading: 1 Peter 2:9-10, Ephesians 4:11-16
Devotional: As believers, we are all called to be ministers of God's grace. Each of us has been given gifts and a unique role to play in the body of Christ. Reflect on your own gifts and calling today. How are you using what God has given you to serve others and build up the Church? Ask God to show you areas where you can step out in faith to minister to those around you. Remember, you are part of a royal priesthood, chosen to declare God's praises to the world.
Day 5: The Power of Prayer
Reading: Acts 4:23-31
Devotional: The early Church faced persecution, but their response was to gather together and pray. Their prayer was so powerful that the place where they were meeting was shaken. Today, consider the role of prayer in your own life and in your church. Are you relying on human methods and strategies, or are you seeking God's intervention through fervent prayer? Take time to pray boldly for God's power to be manifest in your life, your church, and your community. Ask Him to shake things up and bring revival through the prayers of His people.